1. According to Japan’s Kyodo News: The Bank of Japan is considering raising its core CPI forecast target for the 2023/24 fiscal year to close to 3% from 2.5% in July.
2. Czech Central Bank: Inflation trends confirm the latest forecast, and CPI is expected to be close to the tolerable range in early 2024.
3. The Central Bank of Russia: It will consider whether to raise interest rates at its October meeting. Inflation may peak in the spring and summer of 2024.
4. Bank Indonesia official: Bank Indonesia official: Bank Indonesia will always participate in market actions in response to the depreciation of the Indonesian rupiah. Bank Indonesia will always engage in market actions in response to the depreciation of the Indonesian rupiah.
5. ECB – Governing Council Member Holzmann: The ECB’s interest rate hikes may end, but if additional shocks occur, it may have to raise interest rates once or twice. It is reported that the ECB has strengthened its support for banks’ commercial real estate loans. review.
6. Bank of England: British household financial conditions remain under pressure. There is an urgent need to address vulnerabilities in the non-bank financial sector, with sterling money market funds requiring more liquid assets than currently available, with UK regulators and the Treasury due to consult on money market fund rules later this year.
7. Fed-Bostic: I don’t think we need to raise interest rates anymore, but if the outlook changes, we may need to raise interest rates further. Kashkari: If the economy is more resilient, we may have to raise interest rates further. A potential rise in yields could mean the Fed has to do less, but if that’s what the market expects from the Fed, then let’s stay the course and deliver, Waller: Thinking about the right money needed to push inflation back to 2% When reacting to policy, it is very useful to learn from the “Taylor Rule”. Daley: We may see the nominal neutral interest rate rise to 2.5%-3% in the future.